Monday, December 26, 2016

It's my home, your home too!

I spend quite a time on the road... If likely, I prefer living in B&B instead of an international hotel. In a chained hotel it's convenient, offering an familiar environment. Yet I enjoy more the adventure of living in other people's home, especially if it is in a place full of history and culture --  Every home owner has his/her own favorite local restaurants or a quiet corner where tourists rarely touch. Some of my best experience in life are all on the road; it's the trust and kindness from a stranger which makes me firmly believe in the world.(See also Trust on the Road)


(Floating Point - Zen Inn
浮点 禅隐 客栈 -- 昆山锦溪古镇)

Differing from the concept of serving an customer, Airbnb or bnb is more about the idea of sharing: It's my home, your home too! Welcome home!


(The door in Floating Point - Zen Inn)

In this trip to China, I by chance spent one night in Floating Point - Zen Inn, located in the water town of Jinxi near Shanghai.  This is a beautiful surprise which allows me to understand the situation of B&B in China.

回国前看到一篇关于中国民宿的文章,赞赏不已。那一腔一式,古意盎然。恰恰这家民宿就在昆山,便借出差上海的机会,小住一晚。到了之后,才知我是“唯一”的客人,整幢小楼包场,中国美院的一个民宿研习班晚些时候到达,明日听设计师讲课。真是有意思的事情!这班上的学生不是有十几年从业经验的设计师, 就是民宿的投资人,对中国民宿的状况了如指掌。他们从莫干山,同里的民宿一圈考察下来,最后一站是锦溪,浮点-禅隐客栈,也就是我住的这家。






(Guest Room)


(Patio on the second floor, ideal to viewing the full moon. Below pebbles are five-layers glasses serving as the ceiling of the lobby. In the winter, sun shines the lobby though glasses, whereas in the summer, pebbles provide shade. The night I was there has the full moon)

中国有许许多多的资源,美丽的山山水水。真高兴有心人开始营造民宿。“这是我的家,也是你的家!” 每一个民宿的主人都有自己的故事。大家坐在一起,听故事,也讲述自己的故事,是多么有趣啊!夫子说,“友直,友谅,友多闻。”  2017年,但愿结识更多有故事的人!

A few websites on selected lodging:

The CICF will be held in Hanzhou in July! Let's go to Mount Mogan!

Below are pictures of the water town, JinXi.





Photographed by Jennie Bai.
Copyright ©Jennie Bai. All Rights Reserved.

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